About Longqing Studio


Longqing Studio Introduction

As the key instructor of Longqing Studio, Danny has more than 20 years of professional experience teaching fine art programs. He is a member of Ontario Artists Association and Hunan Artists Association. The studio provides unique and interactive learning environment, delivers brilliant and engaging teaching and focuses on small classes (6 people) to ensure the quality.
The studio also offers 1:1 classes. To help students realize and maximize their potential, the studio provides in-depth feedback on students’ work, fuels students’ curiosity, and encourages creativity.
Suitable for students 4 - 18 years old 
Longqing Studio offers drawing and painting classes mainly for students between 4 - 18 years old. Classes are grouped and organized according to the type of painting, the age of the students and the level of students drawing skills. Students gradually proceed to the next level based on their learning progress.

Features of Longqing Studio
Fosters creativity, delivers systematic learning experience, focuses on small class to maximize students potential

Mission of Longqing Studio

  1. Provide a unique learning environment to strive creativity, imagination, critical thinking and communication
  2. Cultivate and inspire world-class artists



Students have won numerous awards

Hundreds of students have participated and won awards into various painting competitions in Canada and internationally.
  • Tommy Lee (8 years old) won the first prize in the 2nd International Children's Drawing Competition in Toronto
  • Timothy Fu (12 years old) won the first prize in the 8th Toronto Youth Chinese Painting Competition
  • Janet Wang (7 years old) won the first prize in the York Region Children's Drawing Competition
  • Amanda Zhu won the Ontario Power Authority's Postcard Design Award

Admission Offers


Hundreds of students are admitted to art programs in elementary, middle and high Schools

Hundreds of students are admitted to art programs in elementary, middle and high Schools

Many students have been admitted into various art programs in elementary, middle and high schools after taking enrichment programs in Longqing Studio.

  • Connie Chen, Cindy Li. Ethan Pi Accepted into Appleby Claude  Watson art  Elementary School
  • Andy Wang, Brandon Li. Lisa Accepted into Appleby Don Mill C.l. High School
  • Amy Li, Brian Wei, Elsa Wang  Accepted into Appleby Earl Haig Secondary School
  • Brian Gao, Joyce, Bill Zhang Accepted into Appleby  Unionville High School
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